Infrared Sauna: FAQ
Infrared Sauna: FAQ

Frequently asked questions for best Infrared Sauna results.
Frequently asked questions for best Infrared Sauna results.

We've answered a number of questions regarding infrared saunas over the years, and here we provide some answers to some of the more common questions.

You have a question we missed? Please feel free to contact us and we'll do our best to answer as quickly as possible.

How is infrared sauna different to regular saunas?

Regular saunas heat the air using electric heat, leaving the air hot and dry. Infrared saunas instead use infrared rays that transmit the energy below the surface of the skin, warming muscles directly. This greatly reduces skin sensitivity due to lower ambient temperatures. Further, direct muscle warming stimulates blood flow, helping release toxins through perspiration resulting in a better detoxifying effect.

What should I wear in the infrared sauna?

As you are in a private room, as well as a private capsule it is really up to you. Because of the steam and most likely profuse perspiration, you may want to wear nothing, or a bathing suit. We don’t recommend underwear, unless you bring a spare pair.

How is the beauty place infrared sauna+ different to other infrared sauna?

Most infrared saunas look like regular dry saunas with the electric heat replaced by infrared. Some may also combine red light, but not necessarily. Our Infrared Sauna+ is a private capsule which combines wide-spectrum infrared with:

Red Light Therapy - further stimulates collagen production to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, reduce scars and stretch marks, as well as provide anti-aging benefits.

Steam infused with various Skin Conditioning Serums - gently brings further relaxation to help distress from your day.

Oxygen - further stimulates collagen production to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, reduce scars and stretch marks, as well as provide anti-aging benefits.

Vibratory Massager - further stimulates collagen production to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, reduce scars and stretch marks, as well as provide anti-aging benefits.

How should I prepare for my infrared sauna session?

We recommend being well hydrated, although we also provide lemon water to help with hydration. Everything needed is already here, so basically come as you are. We provide bathrobes, towels, flip-flops as well as access to our changing rooms where you’ll find shampoos/conditioners, hair fix, deodorant, hair dryers, etc. After finishing your session, we advise a light rinse to help wash off any perspiration and toxins while maintaining the benefits of the serums. Shower gels are available, however they will remove the serums and may leave your skin a little dry.

What risks are there in using your Infrared Sauna+?

There are not so many risks, however anyone with high blood pressure or sensitivity to heat should get medical clearance before considering use of our machine. Of course, temperature settings can be adjusted during your session. Pregnancy may be an issue, so we advise a medical consult in advance to prevent any undue harm during this important time in your life.

How many people can use your sauna together?

Our infrared sauna+ is a private unit, contained in a private room. Only 1 person at a time.


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