Spray Tan
Spray Tan

Spray Tan information for spray tanning you love in the heart of Central Hong Kong
Spray Tan information for spray tanning you love in the heart of Central Hong Kong

A beautiful Spray Tan is waiting for you, and it couldn’t be safer and easier. We’re proud to offer all-natural SunFX and California Tan Sunless lotions, offering you the best colour and darkness from more than 20 different options. From just a hint of colour, to body-building competition dark, we’ve got you covered. Consider our advantages:

+20 Shades & Tones - We don’t know how other firms deliver great spray tanning results with only 2 or 3 different solutions, but we carry more than 20 different shades and tones to create the best results for your skin type and tone. You’re special, and your spray tan should be too.

We’re very busy - Our spray tan therapists are great, which keeps them very busy, which makes them even better. You’ll see the difference.

Specialized Spray Tan Facility - We have specialized spray tanning facilities committed to insuring the best possible results. Our near silent high-pressure machines produce little to no overspray, so you’re assured a clean, comfortable and quiet experience.

Spray Tan - Prepare to Prolong

Spray tan is pretty easy, however there a few things to help develop and maintain that beautiful gorgeous glow.

Hair removal - is much better immediately before your spray tan as it will usually help remove any dead skin as well. Hair removal after your spray tan may remove some layers of skin, leaving you blotchy.

A Mani / Pedi - is best done immediately prior to treatment to help prevent possible discolouration of nails, keeping you looking fabulous.

Scrub or Exfoliate - prior to your treatment to insure you are free of oils, pollution, moisturizers, dead-skin, etc. These will reduce absorption of the solution resulting in possible patchiness and a shorter-lived tan.

Dark, loose-fitting clothing - will help prevent obvious colour transfer and removal of the spray tan solution.

Arrive early - to allow yourself to cool down. Sweating will prevent absorption of the sunless solution. Better yet, arrive with time to do your exfoliating shower here. We have everything you need, and it’s included.

Quiet time - in a cool environment where you won’t sweat or transfer your colour to others for 1-6 hours after your treatment is advised. Consider laying out a towel at home to prevent transferring colour to furniture.

Moisturize - after your first shower and continue to do so to help slow the exfoliation cycle to help maintain your gorgeous glow longer. Jacuzzis, pools, saunas and other areas or activities that may also have you sweating profusely can also shorten the life of your tan.

Socks - inside your shoes are a good idea as the warm weather causes our feet to sweat more than normal, and you may see some colour transfer to your nails or the souls of your feet. As mentioned earlier, nail polish is advised. Clear-coat if you prefer a natural look.


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